BMW 5 Series E39

since 1996-2001 release

Repair and operation of the car

+ Introduction
- Maintenance instruction
   Governing bodies, devices and control lamps
   Locking devices and anticreeping alarm system
   Equipment of salon
   Security systems
   Gas station of fuel, start and stop of the engine
   Parking brake
   Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)
   Automatic Transmission (AT) *
   The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at the parking (PDC) *
   System of automatic stabilization of stability with the regulator of traction effort (ASC+T)
   Electronic adjustment of rigidity of depreciation (EDC) * and adjustment of a road gleam
   System of heating and ventilation
   Automatic conditioner *
   Autonomous systems of heating and ventilation
   System of self-diagnostics *
   Traveling computer
   Running in
   Catalytic converter
   Anti-blocking system of brakes (ABS)
   The movement with the trailer
   Luggage carrier on a roof
   Automobile phone *
   Radio reception
   Readjustment of headlights
   Automobile radio receiver
   The Hi-Fi audio system with DSP *
   Sign of an emergency stop *
   First-aid kit *
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Наполнение информацией профиля в сервисе zoon O Null в Москве.

System of self-diagnostics *

Graphic indication *

At position 2 of the ignition key the following preventions (states) which do not die away before elimination of the reasons which caused their emergence are output to indication.


1. Check passing beam.
2. Add liquid for washing of glasses, dies away approximately in one minute.
3. The door is open.
4. The luggage carrier is open.
5. Check lamps of a backing or stoplights.

If upon termination of a trip you went out of the car and forgot to turn off the light, then the warning signal (any indication does not appear) reminding of it sounds.

Alphanumeric indication *

At position 2 of the ignition key the following preventions (states) which are followed by sounding of a gong are output to indication in a text form.

1 — the Symbols signaling about existence of diagnostic information
2 — Indication
3 — the Button of automatic diagnostics (CHECK)

On degree of priority of the message on malfunctions of systems are subdivided into two groups.

First group of priority

Information on these malfunctions is followed by a gong and a blinking of alarm symbols (1). If at the same time there are several malfunctions, then they are brought to indication serially. Messages do not disappear before elimination of defects and cannot be erased by pressing of the button (3) of automatic diagnostics.

"Parkbremse loesen" (Remove from the parking brake)

"Kuehlwassertemperatur" (Temperature of cooling liquid)
The engine is overheated. It is necessary to stop and kill the engine immediately.

"Stop! Oeldruck Motor" (Stop! Oil pressure in the engine)
Pressure of oil is lower than norm. It is necessary to stop and kill the engine immediately.

"Bremsfluessigk. pruefen" (Check the level of brake fluid)
Level of brake fluid fell practically to a minimum. At the first opportunity it should be added.

"Niveauregel. inaktiv" * (The regulator of a road gleam does not work)

"Einspritzanlage" * (System of injection)

"LIMIT" * (Speeding)
Indication appears in case of speeding, the respective country ordered by traffic regulations

Second group of priority

This indication appears approximately for 20 seconds at position 2 of the ignition key. After the inscription will go out, there are alarm symbols. For a repeated call of messages it is necessary to press the CHECK button.

"Kofferraum oeffen" (The luggage carrier is open)
The message appears only at the first start-off from the place with an open luggage carrier.

"Tuer oeffen" (The door is open)
The message appears as soon as the speed of the movement exceeds some insignificant size.

"Gurt anlegen" (Put on a belt)
In addition the alarm lamp with a belt symbol burns

"Vorgluehen" (Prednakal)
It is possible to start the engine only after the inscription goes out.

"Waschwasser fuellen" (Add liquid for washing of glasses)
Level of liquid is too low, add at the first opportunity.

"Oelstand Motor pruefen" (Check oil level in the engine)
At the first opportunity (for example, when filling) it is necessary to bring level to norm.

"Bremslicht pruefen" (Check stoplights)
The lamp fused or there was a malfunction in an electrochain.

"Abblendlicht pruefen" (Check passing beam)

"Standlicht pruefen (Check parking lighting)

"Ruecklicht pruefen" (Check back dimensional lamps)

"Nebellicht vorn pruefen" (Check fog lights)

"Nebellicht hinten pruefen" (Check back foggy lamps)

"Kennzeichenlicht pruefen" (Check a lamp of illumination of registration plate)

"Anhaengerlicht pruefen" * (Check lighting devices on the trailer)

"Fernlicht pruefen" (Check driving beam)

"Rueckfahrlicht pruefen" (Check backing lamps)
The lamp fused or there was a malfunction in an electrochain.

"Getriebenotprogramm" * (Emergency program of control of the transmission)
"Bremsbelag pruefen" (Check brake shoes)
"Funkschluessel-Batt." * (DU panel battery)
Replace batteries.
After replacement make initialization of the transmitter of remote control (in it, however, there is no need if replacement took no more than a minute and at the same time the buttons were not pressed).

"Kuehlwasserst. pruefen" (Check the level of cooling liquid)
Level of liquid fell below norm.
Add at the first opportunity.

"Motornotprogramm" * (Management of operation of the engine on the emergency program)
Malfunction in a control system of operation of the engine.

"Einspritzanlage" * (System of injection)

Messages upon termination of a trip

All messages on malfunctions which appeared during a trip are highlighted one behind another on the display after turn of the ignition key in situation 0.

The following instruction can be also highlighted:
"Licht an" (The light is not turned off)

Indication appears when opening a door of the driver upon completion of a trip.

Having used the CHECK button, you can cause messages within about three minutes after the termination of a trip when the key is already taken out from the ignition lock, and indication went out. If it is several messages, then press the CHECK button several times.

Check of serviceability of system of self-diagnostics

After turn of the ignition key in situation 2 press the CHECK button.

On the display confirmation has to appear:
"CHECK CONTROL OK" (The system of automatic diagnostics is serviceable).

It means what in under control systems of violations is not revealed.