BMW E39 + Introduction + Maintenance instruction - Current leaving and service Schedule of routine maintenance Introduction Current leaving General information on control Check of levels of liquids Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them Replacement of motive oil and oil filter Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and SO level Replacement of an element of the air filter Replacement of the filter of air of salon Check of the brake system Visual control of the bottom and elements of a body Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel Wheels and tires. Rotation, replacement, balancing and leaving. Snow chains. Sekretka of wheels. Elimination of trembling of a wheel Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment Check of a condition of driving belts Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging. Replacement of a battery DU brelka Check and replacement of spark plugs Check of functioning of fuel system. Winter operation of the Diesel Check of functioning of the cooling system Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts Lubricant of locking devices Visual check of seat belts Check of a state and replacement of brushes of screen wipers Replacement of brake fluid Cooling system liquid replacement. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of the cooling system Removal of a sediment, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine Replacement of gearbox oil of a manual box of gear shifting Replacement of lubricant liquid of differential Check of thickness of the conducted clutch plate + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment + System of onboard diagnostics
Check of the brake system
| The dust which is formed as a result of wear of slips and accumulating on components of the brake mechanism may contain asbestos hazardous to health. Do not blow this dust by means of compressed air and do not inhale it! Do not use solvents on the basis of gasoline for removal of dust. Dust should be washed away a special cleaner of the brake system or methyl alcohol in drain capacity. After rubbing of components of the brake system a damp rag this rag and contents of drain capacity should be held in the closed and signed container. Further whenever possible try to use the components which are not containing asbestos.
Except checks through the established time intervals a condition of brake mechanisms it is necessary to carry out every time at removal of wheels or at emergence of signs of malfunction in system. For driving safety the procedures of check of the brake system described below are the most important of all procedures for service of the car made by you. |
Signs of malfunctions in the brake system
Disk brake mechanisms have the built-in indicators of wear of frictional slips which signal that wear of slips reached critical size. At the same time slips should be changed immediately, otherwise brake disks will be damaged, and they will need expensive repair.
Any of the listed below signs can indicate potential defect of the brake system:
a) When squeezing a pedal of a brake the car "takes away" in one party b) Brake mechanisms when braking make the scraping or squealing sounds c) The pedal of a brake has the excessive course d) The pedal of a brake pulses (it normally only during the work of the ABS system) e) Leak of brake fluid is observed (usually on inside of the tire or a wheel)
In case of detection at least of one of these signs immediately examine the brake system.
Brake lines and hoses
In the brake system steel brake tubes, except for the flexible reinforced hoses at forward wheels and as connections at the back bridge are generally used. Regular survey of all these lines is very important.
1. Park the car on the flat platform and switch off the engine. Take off caps from wheels. Weaken, but do not remove bolts of fastening of all four wheels. 2. A back part of the car and reliably establish Poddomkratte on support. 3. Remove wheels (address the Sections "Poddomkrachivaniye and Towage" or "Governing Bodies and Methods of Safe Operation"). 4. Clear pipelines an autocleaner.
Pipelines for protection against corrosion have a plastic covering. If the covering is damaged, it can lead to corrosion of the pipeline. For this reason it is not necessary to clear pipelines a wire brush, an emery paper or the screw-driver.
5. Light with a lamp and check the brake pipelines going from the main brake cylinder to the ABS block and from it to separate wheel cylinders. The main brake cylinder is under the tank of brake fluid. 6. It is not allowed to bend and rumple pipelines. It is also necessary to exclude emergence of corrosion damages or mastications. At emergence of the specified defects the pipeline on this site needs to be replaced. 7. Brake hoses connect pipelines to mobile elements of the brake system. They are made of high-strength material, but are subject to formation of a time, swelling and damage by sharp objects over time. At emergence of the specified damages hoses have to be immediately replaced with new. |
8. Bend brake hoses hands in different directions to reveal existence of damages. Hoses cannot be twisted. Watch straightforwardness of color lines on hoses if they are available! |
9. Turn a steering wheel to the right and to the left against the stop. Hoses should not concern elements of a body or a suspension bracket somewhere. 10. Junctions of hoses and the pipeline should not have traces of leakages. 11. Lower the car on wheels. |
Disk brake mechanisms
At achievement of a certain wear of brake shoes of forward and back brakes on the dashboard the signaling device lights up. In this case it is necessary to replace brake shoes urgently.
1. If it was not made yet, the car and reliably install to a poddomkratta it on support. 2. Mark the provision of wheels concerning naves that after installation the balanced wheels reached the former position. Weaken bolts of fastening of a wheel. Remove wheels. 3. Now it is possible to see supports of disk brake mechanisms in which there are blocks. In each support there are external and internal blocks. |
4. Visually check thickness of blocks from above through a support. |
5. Check thickness of an external block. If thickness approaches a wear limit, remove a block and measure its thickness by means of caliber. |
6. A limit of wear of a brake shoe of forward and back brakes is thickness of 2 mm. If thickness of frictional slips is less or if they are worn-out on the one hand more, than with another, then blocks should be replaced. Remember that frictional slips are usually pasted on a metal substrate of a block - its thickness should not be considered at measurement. Always replace blocks on both parties of the car (in a set on one axis) even if only one of them is worn-out, otherwise process of braking will be uneven.
| Experience shows that wear of a brake shoe in 1 mm corresponds to at least 1000 km of a run. It corresponds to adverse service conditions. At normal operation firmness of blocks is much higher. At a thickness of a brake shoe of a disk brake of 5 mm (without back plate) the block can be operated still not less than 3000 km.
7. Remove supports, without disconnecting brake hoses. 8. Check a condition of a brake disk. Examine it on existence of furrows, deep scratches and sites of an overheat (they look as the blue or decoloured spots). At detection of signs of damages or wear the disk can be removed and pierced in a mechanical workshop; if there is no such opportunity, it should be replaced. Both in that and in other case it is necessary to replace or pierce both disks even if only one of them is worn-out. |
Drum mechanisms of the parking brake
1. Using instructions of the Head the Brake system, remove back brake disks with drums. |
2. Measure thickness of frictional slips on boots of back brake mechanisms and examine them on existence of signs of pollution by brake fluid or lubricant. If the slip has thickness within 1.5 mm over heads of rivets or the metal basis in the thinnest place, replace all boots. Address an accompanying illustration. Also the boots polluted by brake fluid or lubricant are subject to replacement also burst, zapolirovanny to gloss. The procedure of replacement is described in the Head the Brake system. |
3. Check a condition of the coupling and holding springs of boots, and also the adjusting mechanism. Make sure that all these components are correctly installed and are in working order. The worn-out or deformed springs can serve as the reason of premature wear of frictional slips. 4. Check wheel cylinders for existence of signs of leaks, having accurately removed protective rubber covers. Existence of insignificant traces of moisture under covers is allowed. If under them brake fluid is found or it follows from the wheel cylinder, then cylinders should be repaired or replaced capitally (address the Head the Brake system). 5. Check drums for existence of deep scratches, furrows of cracks and superheated sites which look as the decoloured spots. If the revealed defects cannot be eliminated by means of an emery paper, the drum should be pierced in a workshop (apply to the Head the Brake system for more detailed information). 6. Following indications of the Head the Brake system, establish brake disks with drums. 7. Establish wheels, but do not lower the car yet. |
Check of reliability and course of the lever of the parking brake
1. To protozoa, and it is possible, the most obvious way of check of operation of the parking brake is installation of the car on a steep slope with the cocked brake and transmission in neutral situation (when checking you should be in the car). If the parking brake does not keep the car from rolling, it is necessary to make its adjustment as it is described in the Section Adjustment of the Parking Brake. 2. Lift and put a back part of the car on supports. 3. Tighten the parking brake on 5 teeth. Turn wheels by hand. On wheels resistance from action of a brake has to be felt easy. 4. Tighten a brake on 6 teeth. Wheels still have to be turned manually. If for braking creation the brake has to drag on further, adjust a brake as it is described in the Section Adjustment of the Parking Brake. 5. Lower the car on wheels. |