BMW E39 + Introduction + Maintenance instruction - Current leaving and service Schedule of routine maintenance Introduction Current leaving General information on control Check of levels of liquids Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them Replacement of motive oil and oil filter Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and SO level Replacement of an element of the air filter Replacement of the filter of air of salon Check of the brake system Visual control of the bottom and elements of a body Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel Wheels and tires. Rotation, replacement, balancing and leaving. Snow chains. Sekretka of wheels. Elimination of trembling of a wheel Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment Check of a condition of driving belts Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging. Replacement of a battery DU brelka Check and replacement of spark plugs Check of functioning of fuel system. Winter operation of the Diesel Check of functioning of the cooling system Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts Lubricant of locking devices Visual check of seat belts Check of a state and replacement of brushes of screen wipers Replacement of brake fluid Cooling system liquid replacement. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of the cooling system Removal of a sediment, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine Replacement of gearbox oil of a manual box of gear shifting Replacement of lubricant liquid of differential Check of thickness of the conducted clutch plate + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment + System of onboard diagnostics
Cooling system liquid replacement. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of the cooling system
| Do not allow hit of antifreeze on your skin and the painted surfaces of the car. At hit immediately wash away a plentiful amount of water. Antifreeze is extremely toxic and deadly at hit in an organism. Do not leave antifreeze in an open container or spilled on a floor; its sweetish smell can easily attract to itself children or pets. Consult about local rules of utilization of the fulfilled antifreeze. In many areas there are special centers for its acceptance. |
The cooling system has to regularly, each three years within carrying out Maintenance, be drained, washed out and again be filled. This procedure is made for maintenance of quality of cooling mix and the prevention of formation of corrosion which reduces overall performance of the cooling system and can serve as an engine cause of failure. During service of the cooling system it is also necessary to check a condition of all hoses and a cover of a radiator and in case of need to replace defective components.
At work you need the following tool:
a) Jack and supports. b) Big flat screw-driver or coin. c) Cap key or set of heads. d) Capacity for collecting liquid.
- including warm season - it is necessary to apply mix from antifreeze to filling of system and not containing pure lime. It is the best of all to apply the distilled water excluding emergence of deposits to this purpose. Antifreeze has to be resolved by BMW and should not contain nitrites and amines (it has to be specified on packing).
| For continuation of the movement on the car, in particular, it is possible to add clear water to system in the summer. Antifreeze can be added later, but as soon as possible. |
As consolidation of a drain stopper of the block of cylinders the aluminum ring And 14 x 18 is applied.
Removal of liquid from system
1. If the car just returned from a trip, before the procedure wait several hours before full cooling of the engine. 3. Put a heater in salon on the maximum power. 4. After the engine cooled down, uncover a radiator. If the cover has to be opened when the engine cooled down not completely, do it slowly and with respect for precautions to avoid burns, and take off thus pressure in system. Then turn off a stopper completely and remove it.
| The cooling system is under pressure. The stopper is removed only at a temperature of cooling liquid below + 60 °C. For removal of a stopper put on it a thick rag. |
5. Lift and establish a forward part of the car on supports. Remove the lower guard of a motive compartment, address the Section Check of the Cooling System. |
6. Substitute pure capacity under a radiator and turn off a drain stopper of a radiator. The stopper turns away the big flat screw-driver or a coin. Address an accompanying illustration. |
7. Substitute capacity under the engine and turn out a drain stopper (the shooter on an accompanying illustration) on the block of cylinders. The stopper is under a final collector. |
8. Completely merge liquid. While the cooler pours out, check a condition of hoses of a radiator, a heater and collars (if necessary address the Section Check of a Condition of Components of a Suspension Bracket and Steering). 9. Replace defective hoses and collars.
| Cooling liquid is poisonous. It is impossible to throw out it, in particular, with household waste. Information on the locations of collection points has to be provided by local authorities. |
10. Screw a drain stopper with new laying in the block of cylinders and tighten its moment 40 Nanometers. 11. Tighten a drain stopper on a radiator slightly. For this purpose it is possible to use the coin inserted into a stopper cut. |
1. After full drainage of system wash out a radiator clear water from a garden hose so that from a drain opening or the lower hose clear water poured out. If the radiator strongly rusted, is damaged or proceeds, it should be removed and sent to repair shop to the specialist in radiators. 2. The washing described above will remove various deposits from a radiator, but will not be able to remove a rust and a scum from the surfaces of the engine and a pipe of cooling. All this can be removed by means of a chemical cleaner. For implementation of this procedure follow instructions of the manufacturer of a cleaner. Before washing of the engine open a drain stopper of the block of cylinders. 3. On respectively the equipped models remove an overflow hose from a broad tank. Drain a tank, wash out it clear water and connect a hose. |
Filling of system with liquid
1. Fill in a broad tank to the brim with new cooling liquid. |
2. Open a ventilating stopper (the shooter on an accompanying illustration) above at a radiator, near a broad tank, the liquid which is not containing vials of air will not go yet. |
3. Open a stopper (the shooter on an accompanying illustration) on a tube of cooling liquid around an oil filter, the liquid which is not containing vials of air will not go yet. |
4. Close ventilating traffic jams and add liquid in a broad tank. 5. 525tds: here removal of air comes from system automatically via the top pipeline of a separate broad tank. There are no ventilating traffic jams here. 6. Close a broad tank a stopper. Operation of the engine with an open stopper since it can lead to damages is not allowed. 7. Start the engine. Establish a heater in the provision of "WARM" (Warmly) and warm up the engine. Support by Tolchkoobrazny pressing the accelerator pedal engine speed not less than 2500 rpm. In the course of removal of air from system the level of cooling liquid will fall to the mark Max put on a broad tank. 8. Switch off ignition.
| Add liquid in system after cooling of the engine. Otherwise at an otvorachivaniye of a stopper the burn is possible! |
9. On the cold engine fill in liquid to the mark Max of a broad tank, address illustrations of the Section "Check of Level of Cooling Liquid". 10. Once again open ventilating traffic jams and check that liquid came out without vials of air. Close a stopper of a radiator and ventilating traffic jams. 11. Check visually tightness of the cooling system, in particular, accession of hoses and a drain stopper. |
Check of frost resistance of antifreeze
The following tool is necessary for check:
The device for check of density of cooling liquid which is available on sale or at gas stations.
Before a winter season it is necessary to check concentration of antifreeze, especially, if in system in the course of the previous operation clear water was added.
1. Start and warm up the engine so that the top hose going to a radiator got warm. 2. Carefully open a stopper of a broad tank.
| Do not open a stopper on the hot engine, see instructions in the Section "Check of Level of Cooling Liquid". |
3. Suck away liquid the device for check of density and check density according to indications of a float. Address an accompanying illustration. In our latitudes antifreeze has to protect system up to the temperature of -35 °C. It corresponds to a volume ratio of water and antifreeze 1:1. |
Addition in system of a concentrate of BMW
| The radiator of the cooling system and heater are made of aluminum. For this reason it is necessary to apply only the means for protection against freezing and corrosion resolved by BMW. |
At addition of an antifrizny concentrate use data of Specifications.
For example: Measurement of concentration of antifreeze shows protection against freezing to - 10 °C. In this case from system it is necessary to merge 3.0 l of liquid and to fill in 3.0 l of a pure concentrate. It will provide protection of the cooling system up to the temperature - 35 °C. Address Specifications.
1. Close a radiator stopper, pass on the car and again check antifreeze. Visual check of tightness of the cooling system 2. Check cooling system hoses for existence of a time. For this purpose squeeze and bend them. With the increased rigidity of a hose replace it. 3. Hoses have to come rather far on the union. Check reliability of fastening of hoses collars. If necessary replace collars. 4. Check consolidation of a stopper of a broad tank.
| Low level of cooling liquid can be a consequence of the wrong navinchivaniye of a stopper of a tank. |
5. If the level of cooling liquid often goes down without existence of any obvious leak check system at the heated-up engine. If on the heated-up engine liquid follows from an opening under the pump of cooling liquid, then the reason in damage of an epiploon of the pump. Replace the pump. 6. Considerable loss of cooling liquid and/or availability of oil in liquid, and also a white exhaust on the heated-up engine indicate damage of laying of a head of cylinders.
| It is rather difficult to find the place of leak of liquid. It is recommended to carry out an inspection of system pressure. It is also recommended to check the safety valve of a stopper, address the Section Check of the Cooling System. |